Oh, this is a fantastic idea! I ended up there this morning, focusing on a joyful dream I had during the night while writing my morning pages. It set a lovely tone for the morning!

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Oh how wonderful!! That makes me so happy to hear. Xoxox

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What a wonderful practice, Jocelyn. One of the resource techniques I use is to meditate upon my perfect nurturers—they tell me exactly what I need to hear in the moment. I’m sure your letters of love are so empowering and encouraging. Thanks for this, friend.

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Hello friend, I just learned two new phrases I love: resource techniques and perfect nurturers. Thank you!🙏

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It's very beneficial to have a spouse who is a therapist. The perfect nurturers are a guided meditation creation by a practitioner I follow named Cedric Reeves. His teaching style is a little wonky but his meditations are spot on. My wife and I, along with another follower of his get together on Zoom weekly and do a meditation for an hour. We all agree it's very beneficial to our self care. Glad I could pass this on to you!

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I bet it is! My husband and I both have had the same coaching training so we have a shared language around healing. It’s so powerful for us. Thank you for sharing Cedric with me, I’ll check him out!🙏

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Ahhh beautiful, I love how Love speaks ❤️

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Isn’t it just beautiful?

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Mar 31Liked by Jocelyn Lovelle

Oh my, sweet friend. This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this. I have also been doing this in my journal and mind. It IS life changing!! And your name🥰 I’m bug. My love says hi and nice to meet your love. lol

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Ooooooh! My love says hi back! She is delighted to meet your love too!❤️❤️❤️

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Oh mornings. Today I went swimming and had donuts, so it was an easier morning ❤️. And I often forget this beautiful invitation from Love. But more and more I remember and it just makes everything a little more full of ease. I wonder what it might feel like once it’s really a habit. That’s kind of exciting to think about!

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How lovely…(pun intended?). I may adapt this idea for my morning pages work. Because some mornings are still hard. But not as many as in the past

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