
Boundaries, people! You made me laugh out loud. It was truly a little miracle. And I love how you said that, "very time I start to feel myself dipping into my self-pitying loop, I haul out my gratitude practice and begin again." I tell you, I believed in gratitude before, but this is next level. ;)

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Love this post!

Only today my car window broke, I put it down to chat to a neighbour, then it wouldn’t go back up!

I had to take it to the garage and have the replacement motor installed... but... it was a beautiful day and I couldn’t help thinking ‘how lucky it wasn’t raining, with my window permanently open’, ‘how lucky they had the part’, ‘how lucky I was under no time pressure’.

Such a different way to look at things. 🥰

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Thank you for saying so! and thank you for sharing your experience. I was just in a car accident (no one was hurt) and while in the past I would have been mad and looking to blame, this time I was so grateful: for not being hurt, for not hurting anyone, for having insurance, for the lovely women who stopped and made sure I was okay, for the police officers who surprised me with their kindness and compassion, for my sister who came to get me, on and on. It’s truly incredible how gratitude changes the way we see the world. ❤️

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You are so right! Recognizing that you were grateful it wasn’t raining.

I had to pick up a mountain of dead frangipani leaves yesterday and I was just so darn grateful I could do it after a whump of a fall 3 weeks ago.

Thinking about what is, rather than what isn’t, has made a profound difference to my life.

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It really does, doesn't it? Sometimes I get into that track of woe is me and all the ways in which things didn't go my way, but the more I practice just a little gratitude each day, the more I'm intentional about seeing what is, the easier it gets to stay in that space of gratitude. I'm glad you're okay after your fall, they can be so hard on our bodies. And I love the symbolism of picking up those leaves, they are prolific, but the flowers that come in the spring and summer. I'd pick up leaves forever for that scent.

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Lovely--I'm so grateful I read this!

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Awww, thank you, Rose, for saying so!

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Lovely post! Practicing gratitude helped get me out of PPD and it definitely works. Also, everything about your lack of patience, screaming and throwing a fit in frustration, and not being able to converse with background noise is absolutely me! My husband can be watching a YouTube video while watching a movie while having a conversation with me and I get secondhand anxiety. I make him turn at least one thing off, drives me mad. I'm glad I'm not the only one!

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Thank you! And you are totally not the only one! It also gives me second hand anxiety when others have multiple inputs going on. I love hearing that gratitude helped you get out of PPD. Did you have a specific practice?❤

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I did! I journaled every night and tried to write 5 things from the day I was grateful for. A lot of times it took the form of memory capturing.

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Oh I like that. I think I mentioned a new practice I'm doing every night before bed, I got it from another author here on the stack, but I can't remember who right now, she writes down one beautiful thing each day. Which she says helps her be on the lookout all day long for that one thing. Which of course, means she sees so much more. I loved that and it seems to be working for me!

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That's perfect! And a much easier bite to start a routine vs my five a day goal.

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I, too, believe in the power of gratitude. And it's amazing you had it (even if just upon reflection) after hours of that wait muzak awfulness. Every time I start to feel myself dipping into my self-pitying loop, I haul out my gratitude practice and begin again. It works, Dr. Joe is right (isn't he awesome? btw) Thanks for sharing -- and thanks for sticking to your guns about the early flight. Boundaries, people. Golden.

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I swear I replied to this. Mercury in retrograde - maybe it got lost in the ether. Thank you, Emily! And thanks for the support and recognition. I love this, "Boundaries, people." ;) xo

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