Sep 11Liked by Jocelyn Lovelle

Well done Jocelyn, it totally worked. The exteriority thing I mean. I love, and appreciate, the meaning you inferred on the clothes. I feel the same way about my clothes, makeup and jewelry (don't even get me going on fragrance).

I haven't seen this exact lesson from Jeannine so will hop over there and try to get my learning on.

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Thanks Donna! Oooh fragrance, that's a biggie too. I have a friend who says she doesn't feel herself if she's not wearing her signature scent. ;)

Let me know how you like the lesson!

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“There is no sweater in the world that can give us that feeling of knowing we are loved and accepted, that someone else is there helping us pay the rent, feeding us, loving us along as we figure out who we are and who we want to be in this short, tumultuous, beautiful, fleeting life.”

This. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you Beth! ❤️

I wrote this slant from a humorous perspective, but listening to that young woman know how precious she is and how precious what she has is moved me deeply.

Do you think the end works? The last paragraph that takes us back to the sweater and back to a light tone? Or do you think it should have ended with “beautiful, fleeting life.”? I’d love your take. Xo

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I think either of them works. It depends on the tone you are going for. I like the ending the way you have it. It snaps the piece out of the reverie and back to the subject at hand: finding a good sweater. 🥰

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Thank you for this! I love the insight too about snapping back to the sweater, that's how it felt to me too. xo

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"That's when you know you should keep a thing. When you can't wait to put it on." THIS! I love the simple profundity of this statement. All these moments in life that feel obvious but we so often miss them despite ourselves. What a great exercise. The observations and dialogue were spot on, and there was no need to overtly reflect- it was all in there. ❤️🔥

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Kendall, thank you!! I love this, "All these moments in life that feel obvious but we so often miss them despite ourselves." and how my statement led you to that observation. Whee! and thank you for the kind words and read. 🙏💖

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Your writing always makes me pause and reflect! You are one of my absolute favorite writers, my friend. 🙌

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Oh my goodness! Wow, Kendall, that just, wow. I'm so touched by your words. That means more to me than I can really say. ❤️

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Sep 10Liked by Jocelyn Lovelle

I love the sweater, and yes, you aced it. It was like reading Cheryl Richardson with a more subtle tone. Real. True. In touch with a part of you your new friend Martha saw and appreciated. That part deserves that sweater. But if you get it and it doesn’t work for you, let me know… 😊

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Deb, I will for sure let you know! :) You made me chuckle out loud. And thank you thank you thank you! What lovely things to say. And that part of me does deserve the sweater! I really appreciate how you made that distinction - something I'm writing about and thinking about so much lately is how nothing is every just one thing, no one is just one type of person. I love solitude and swimming in creeks and being covered in dust or dried salt from the ocean AND I love a good sweater and leather pants combo! xoxoxo

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